Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrix Day

Written in my water bill:

"This year, Department of Watershed Management's mascots Captain Clean Stream, Chatty & Hooch and John Flush will be on hand for Atlanta's St. Patrick's Day Parade, tossing beads, candy and conservation aids from the Department's float."

I wish Atlanta would leave GA St. Patrick's Day to Savannah if the best we can do is John Flush throwing shower heads and candy from a toilet float. Basic infrastructure doesn't need mascots.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

MUZiK Saturday

Wet Willies is what would happen if QT could get a license to sell open containers and poured well rum in the fountain. It reminds me of my last day working at the Shirt and Beer store in Savannah when my coworker showed up drinking a Call A Cab, got halfway thru, then went to take a nap in the back on top of all the leftover St. Patrick's shirts. The customers kept telling me that there was a vagrant sleeping on the clearance table and I forget whether it was harder not to laugh, or to pretend like I was going to do something about it.

It wasn't the first time I quit that job, just the only one I gave proper notice. Several months earlier, I walked out in the middle of a shift and went to Popeyes because they tried to make me wear a leprechaun beard in February. Standing in line waiting on my extra biscuits, one of the Wingmen MC told me he saw the whole thing and congratulated me for not letting them punk me out over a green stovepipe hat.
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