"Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus' most celebrated disciples. She is famous because she is said to have been the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead.
Magdalene is the leader of a group of female disciples believed to have been present at the cross after the male disciples (excepting John the Beloved) had fled, and at his burial. Mary was a devoted follower of Jesus, entering into the close circle of those taught by Jesus during his Galilean ministry. She became prominent during the last days, accompanying Jesus during his travels and following him to the end. Mary Magdalene is referred to in early Christian writings as 'the apostle to the apostles.' In apocryphal texts, she is portrayed as a visionary and leader of the early movement, who was loved by Jesus more than the other disciples. Gnostic writings describe tensions and jealousy between Mary Magdalene and other disciples, especially Peter.
Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary go forth from among us, for women are not worthy of the life. Jesus said: Behold, I shall lead her, that I may make her male, in order that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who makes herself male shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
There are many references to Mary Magdalene in the sacred writings of the Bahá'í Faith. Abdu'l-Bahá said that she was 'the channel of confirmation' to Jesus' disciples and the supreme example of how women are completely equal with men in the sight of God and can at times even exceed men in holiness and greatness."
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